April 3, 2010

Narcissus' portrait

salvador dali - the metamorphosis of  narcissus

i've lost some weight
and i don't recognize myself in the mirror
no more.
who is that man, so handsome?
i don't know, i've never seen him before...
who is that man,
so sexual, so arousing, so passionate?
who is that man so wanted by so many?
i really don't know him, but in a way i sort of envy him...
who is that man
wind blows just to touch him?
who is that man
moon rises just to see him?
who is that man
rain falls down only to caress him?
who is that man
sea wants to drown just to keep him only for herself?
who is that man
women and men want alike?
i don't know
but if you ask me
i think he lost some weight...

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