April 28, 2010

waltz opus no.2 (the waltz of words)

Wosene Worke Kosrof - The Color of Words IX

we dance with words
one to another,
only that-another to just understand what we meant.

this extinct battle to be understood.
this voyage from feeling 
to finding the definition of that specific tone or choice
that is so particularly "us".

bounded with letters and rules of grammar.
under the obligation to resume yourself within thirty lines or more,
depending of the time allowed or the page size you are granted.

how hard was for the first man to speak?
what was his first word?
why from that moment on we've stuck boundaries upon boundaries
along with each word created?
...but how else can you be understood?...
how else can you "say" what you want, think or feel?
how else can we tell someone we love or hate him?
how else can you say you've missed him or that you're glad?

my dear words,
we've invented you for so long
to be able to bring to life
only a crumb of what's inside of us...
but what would we be without you?

so again,
day by day,
we dance with you, my dear words,
only one day to be able to tell everything...
till then, let's dance!

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